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Pop Music, Aliens, and Sanctification

Is it ok to blend in with pop culture's music?

Driving back from the Southern Baptist Convention gave me a lot of time to think. With my wife and son in the back seat asleep and with the cruise control set on the speed limit, sternly fixed in the slow lane, the mind wanders to the deep truths of Scripture.

One thing occurred to me in my long trek home- my taste in music has definitely changed. I remember when I became a Christian. The music that I listened to felt wrong for the first time and so I quickly found “Christian” music that sounded a lot like the secular music that enjoyed. I found it of course, it is not hard when I look back, it seems that most CCM artist today make new Christians their target audience. Unfortunately, many Christians never get beyond this point- which brings me to my point ... and I do have one.

Being conformed into the image of Christ is a process, brought on by the work of the Spirit inside of us. He does this by giving us a progressively purer image of Jesus Christ. After a while the things of the world become “yucky”, for lack of a better term. Anything that leaves the least little hint of sin in your mouth (or ear as the case may be) becomes distasteful.

The music I listen to today is nothing like the music I listened to as a new Christian. I believe this is a good sign, a sign of health. Now I want my Christian music to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ and praise His glory over all the things He rules, owns, and judges. I no longer care what the sound is like ( not as a priority anyway), because I am no longer seeking the approval of the culture that I am in. To put it more harshly, I even prefer that it sound odd to the unconverted- it should. The cross should seem foolish to those who are perishing.

I am grateful to artists like Derek Webb for putting music to Christ centered verses that are as strong theologically as they are artistic. Mr. Webb, you have a gift! And I issue a challenge to all other Christian artists- on the off chance that one of them may read this- to fill their songs with the hope of Jesus Christ and not even display a hint of wanting to become a “crossover artist.” Make a bold stand, because we need you.

We do reside as aliens and strangers in this world and the music that we make and the lives that we live ought to reflect that. Every song we write and every verse we pen should be for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ to whom we bow. Let them know that we are different and sing it at the top of your lungs!


Anonymous said…
Boy your wife is some companion during travel! I'll stay awake next time so I can enjoy your music with you:) I agree Derek Webb's music is a blessing. David Crowder is also very Christ Centered.....and odd.

Thank you for obeying the speed limit.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Derek Webb is really good. I like his music, especially "A New Law."
Another you should check out for mature Christian music is Keith Green if you havent already. He is from the 70's, but his lyrics (especially the song Asleep In The Light) punch me in the gut every time I hear them. The Lyrics are unabashedly striving for where we as Christians should be, as compared to where we are, and how it is really rather pitiful that we can't get out of self-centeredness.
Anyways, interesting thoughts man.

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