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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Originally written on 12-18-2005

On December 9th Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media released The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This movie, based on a series of children’s books by the late C.S. Lewis, has already proven to be a financial success with a weekend worldwide income of over $107 million. How the movie will set with both Christians and non-Christians is still yet to be seen.

The Christian imagery in this movie is readily apparent to any believer, especially to those well-versed in Scripture. However, these images may not be as visible to those who do not come from a church background. We would do well to ask- was this Lewis’ intent? Though many people call the Chronicles of Narnia a Christian allegory, Lewis himself described them in a different fashion. Lewis refers to this tale as a "supposal." In his own words he states, "Supposing there was a world like Narnia, and supposing, like ours, it needed redemption, let us imagine what sort of Incarnation and Passion and Resurrection Christ would have there."

There is no doubt that this story is born out an imagination that can only be described as genius. This is how Lewis states that the idea for the books came into his mind. Not by making an effort to represent the Christian story in a different way, but by creating a different world altogether with images and wonders that appeal to the mind of a child. And that it does!

The world of Narnia is a magical and mysterious place that operates under the deep magic wrought in it by the emperor who lives beyond the sea. The land of Narnia is ruled by a great and powerful lion by the name of Aslan, but has temporarily come under the spell of the White Witch. The land awaits four descendants of Adam and Eve who will rescue the land of Narnia back from the everlasting winter.

What Walt Disney does, it does well. The quality of the film is fantastic at every point and the film’s depiction of the original stories is far closer than one would have supposed. Though some of the book’s dialogue is lost in the translation, it remains true to its original intent. Images from the book come to life with the help of modern digital animation and graphics. The film itself received a rating of PG for its battle sequences and frightening moments. Wolves leap from the shadows at one point to send the audience into a unanimous gasp.

Parents need to use sound wisdom in allowing their younger children to view this film. I would recommend parents viewing the film with their children, so that the film can be used to answer questions that arise in response to the movie. Still, I would have to say that it is a "must see" this Christmas season. In a new and refreshing way it tells the story of man and his need for redemption, the triumph of good over evil, and the selfless sacrifice of one almighty and wise judge.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a wonderful illustration of the great gospel message that is found repeated throughout Scripture. Wisdom would state that we should make the most of it. It is an easy conversation starter and a friendly introduction to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We as Christians need to understand that the film was not created for the purposes of evangelism and will not stand to do this job on its own. It is, however, a most excellent bridge to the gospel of Jesus Christ and we as Christians should thank God that He still uses the hands of men to exalt Himself in our day and age.


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