Is it ok to blend in with pop culture's music? Driving back from the Southern Baptist Convention gave me a lot of time to think. With my wife and son in the back seat asleep and with the cruise control set on the speed limit, sternly fixed in the slow lane, the mind wanders to the deep truths of Scripture. One thing occurred to me in my long trek home- my taste in music has definitely changed. I remember when I became a Christian. The music that I listened to felt wrong for the first time and so I quickly found “Christian” music that sounded a lot like the secular music that enjoyed. I found it of course, it is not hard when I look back, it seems that most CCM artist today make new Christians their target audience. Unfortunately, many Christians never get beyond this point- which brings me to my point ... and I do have one. Being conformed into the image of Christ is a process, brought on by the work of the Spirit inside of us. He does this by giving us a progressively purer image ...
Reflections on Scripture, Theology, Preaching and The Christian Life