Which is true, predestination or free will? The answer is that both are true. They are both true because the Bible affirms that both are true. God does choose those who will be saved and it is settled, and those who follow Christ freely choose him as an act of their own free will or volition.Since the Bible affirms both, why then is there is still debate?
The debate comes when some choose to emphasize the one and not the other. If one is emphasized over the other, it should be because one has strong convictions that the Bible emphasizes one stronger than the other.Those who emphasize the predestination side of salvation are Calvinists, after the French Reformer John Calvin. Those who emphasize the free will aspect of salvation are typically referred to as Arminians, after Jacob Arminius.
It is however, impossible to answer this question without giving away my position. I am a Calvinist (5 points, if you are counting; and if you want to know what the five points are I will post that below). I believe that man does have free will, but I believe that it is wrong and unbiblical to say that God will not or could not over-ride man's free will in order to accomplish His good purposes.
Here is a simple explanation of the 5 points of Calvinism, so that everyone who does not know would have a simple reference for the conversation. I am in no way promoting this, though I believe it is an accurate summary of what Scripture teaches. It is only my desire that the readers of this blog would search the Scriptures in order to settle the matter in their own minds.
Calvinism can be summarized in 5 easy points, which are remembered by the word TULIP. Each point beginning with a letter from the word tulip. Though much more could be said about each point, I will try to keep the explanations as brief as possible.
T: Total Depravity
This does not mean that humans are as bad as they could possibly be, but that every aspect of the human being (visible and invisible) has been touched or tainted by the effect of the Fall. Sin effects all that we are and all that we do and our will is in bondage to that sin until God frees us through regeneration
U: Unconditional Election
That is, God chooses those who will inherit salvation as out of his own free will and not for any foreseen goodness or merit in that person. God doesn't pick out people because He can tell that one day they will make a good Christian, He elects people out of His grace.
L: Limited Atonement
Simply put, this means that when Jesus died he bore God's wrath for the sins of those who would ultimately be saved and not for those who would ultimately reject Him and go to hell. Or another way to say it is this; Christ shed his blood only for those who would be saved and not for the whole world.
I: Irresistible Grace
This means that once God has, by His Holy Spirit, regenerated someones heart they will follow Him in faith and will not turn away from the grace that has been shown to them.
P: Perseverance of The Saints
This means that once someone is saved, they will remain saved and will not lose their salvation, because God has saved them apart from their works and it is impossible to lose their salvation according to their works.
As a side note it must be said that Baptist usually hold to at least one of these points. Typically is is the last one (The Perseverance of The Saints). Once one gives up this last point they would typically follow more in line with the Methodist or Wesleyan tradition.
The debate comes when some choose to emphasize the one and not the other. If one is emphasized over the other, it should be because one has strong convictions that the Bible emphasizes one stronger than the other.Those who emphasize the predestination side of salvation are Calvinists, after the French Reformer John Calvin. Those who emphasize the free will aspect of salvation are typically referred to as Arminians, after Jacob Arminius.
It is however, impossible to answer this question without giving away my position. I am a Calvinist (5 points, if you are counting; and if you want to know what the five points are I will post that below). I believe that man does have free will, but I believe that it is wrong and unbiblical to say that God will not or could not over-ride man's free will in order to accomplish His good purposes.
Here is a simple explanation of the 5 points of Calvinism, so that everyone who does not know would have a simple reference for the conversation. I am in no way promoting this, though I believe it is an accurate summary of what Scripture teaches. It is only my desire that the readers of this blog would search the Scriptures in order to settle the matter in their own minds.
Calvinism can be summarized in 5 easy points, which are remembered by the word TULIP. Each point beginning with a letter from the word tulip. Though much more could be said about each point, I will try to keep the explanations as brief as possible.
T: Total Depravity
This does not mean that humans are as bad as they could possibly be, but that every aspect of the human being (visible and invisible) has been touched or tainted by the effect of the Fall. Sin effects all that we are and all that we do and our will is in bondage to that sin until God frees us through regeneration
U: Unconditional Election
That is, God chooses those who will inherit salvation as out of his own free will and not for any foreseen goodness or merit in that person. God doesn't pick out people because He can tell that one day they will make a good Christian, He elects people out of His grace.
L: Limited Atonement
Simply put, this means that when Jesus died he bore God's wrath for the sins of those who would ultimately be saved and not for those who would ultimately reject Him and go to hell. Or another way to say it is this; Christ shed his blood only for those who would be saved and not for the whole world.
I: Irresistible Grace
This means that once God has, by His Holy Spirit, regenerated someones heart they will follow Him in faith and will not turn away from the grace that has been shown to them.
P: Perseverance of The Saints
This means that once someone is saved, they will remain saved and will not lose their salvation, because God has saved them apart from their works and it is impossible to lose their salvation according to their works.
As a side note it must be said that Baptist usually hold to at least one of these points. Typically is is the last one (The Perseverance of The Saints). Once one gives up this last point they would typically follow more in line with the Methodist or Wesleyan tradition.