Are We To Be Removed From Suffering? Often the argument comes up, when the church is discussing the tribulation that is to come at the end of the age, that God will not allow those whom He loves to go through such tribulation. There are at least two reasons why we must proclaim this to be false. First, there is no way to reconcile the presence of martyrs in the book of Revelation and the exalted status that they receive with the idea that Christians are removed from trouble. This would mean that some Christians received a preferred treatment. It is true that God is capable of keeping His own from tribulation (Rev. 3:10), but at the same time there is much to be gained from laying down your life for the gospel (Rev. 6:9-11). There is also a second reason why we believe that God’s ultimate desire is not to keep us from trials and tribulations. The reason is that He is able to keep us safe through the tribulation. The idea here is paralleled to the way that God keeps us safe in death. Whe...
Reflections on Scripture, Theology, Preaching and The Christian Life