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Showing posts from December, 2010

Christmas, Atheists, and Honesty

It is not often that I agree with an atheist. In fact, atheists are still a rare breed in our country and especially in our county. So any interaction with them is usually negative. But yesterday I agreed with an atheist. Jeanne Moos, a reporter for CNN, ran a story this week about a billboard erected outside the Lincoln tunnel in New Jersey. The billboard was funded by a group called American Atheists and it reads, “You KNOW it’s a myth. This season, celebrate REASON!” The billboard is in a prime viewing area, costing the atheist group $20,000 to put in place. But the question Jeanne Moos asked David Silverman, the President of American Atheists was this, “Why go to such expense to declare your message?” After all, only 7-15% of Americans claim to believe in nothing. The answer Silverman gave was the one thing in the interview with which I agreed. David Silverman said, “We believe that there are a lot of “closet atheists” out there and we want them to come out of the closet.” Silverma...