My father is a snake. Not my biological father, but my real father – the one who raised me. He is a liar, a thief, and a murderer; evil in his innermost being. He always has been and always will be. My biological Father is a good man; loving, generous, and honest. Unlike my real father, my biological father loves and cares for his children. He feeds them, clothes them, and even disciplines them for their good. But my father is a snake. I have not always seen him for who he really is, but now I do. Now I understand. Before, he was all I knew. I didn’t know what good was, I didn’t know what love was, I didn’t know what freedom was. The house I was raised in was dark. My father gave me sugar when I needed milk, and candy when I needed nourishment. But that was all I knew. How did such an evil man come to have legal guardianship over me? Well, the place where I was born was not a good place. The law was corrupt. So, on the day I was born I was taken from my biological father and given to m...
Reflections on Scripture, Theology, Preaching and The Christian Life