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Showing posts from September, 2009

Honor The Lord, Then The Emperor

Recently in our Sunday School class we have entered into some discussion about our obedience to the Lord and our obedience to our government and the laws they set forth for the people. Most of the time their is little to no conflict between the two, but because the question was raised I will try to offer some biblical direction for the conversation. We know that laws are good. In fact the Bible states that God puts governments and systems of law in place to restrain evil and lawlessness. (Romans 13:1-7) So it is both good and right that we have an allegiance to our country and government, because God, in His sovereignty, has put it in place. However, we must also understand that we have an allegiance to a much higher authority and law. Jesus makes it clear that the two greatest commandments (i.e. laws) we have are to (1) love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and (2) to love our neighbor as ourself. (Matthew 22:34-40) These two "greatest" command...