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Showing posts from February, 2009

The Way Jesus Loves His Bride

Before we meet together next week we will have celebrated Valentine’s Day. Now I do not know how you have chosen to celebrate it in the past, but this year I would like for you to consider with me how Jesus shows his love for his bride – the church. Maybe this will help us show love to our spouses, family, and close friends. 1. Jesus Chose His Bride Before The Foundations of The Earth Were Laid. (Ephesians 1:4) 2. Jesus Fights For and Defends His Bride Because They Share A One Flesh Union Together. (Acts 9:4) 3. Jesus So Desires The Companionship of His Bride That He Promises To Be With Her Whenever She Gathers For Worship. (Matthew 18:20) 4. Jesus Demonstrates His Love For His Bride By Laying Down His Own Life For Her Redemption. (Ephesians 5:25) 5. Jesus Promises and Ensures That He Will Never Leave or Forsake His Bride. (Matthew 28:20b) Jesus sets the standard when it comes to demonstrating love. So this year, whether you will be sending out valentines or n...