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Showing posts from June, 2007

There Is Light And It Is Good

I am a young earther. That means that I believe that The LORD created the heavens and the earth and all that they contain in six literal 24 hour periods. Those who hold that the evolutionary model is correct (billions and billions of years without a creator) often say that the six literal days is impossible because the sun (the basis for a 24 hour day) is not created until day four(Genesis 1:14-19). A good point to be sure, but what of the light that is spoken of in 1:3? The famous line "Let there be light" is often equated with the sun. But if the sun is created 3 days later than the light, what could this first act of creation be? I believe the hint to what is happening is found at the polar opposite end of the Bible. In Revelation 21:23 Scripture states: "And the city [New Jerusalem i.e., heaven] has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the lamb," and again in 22:5 it states; "And there will...

SBC 2007: San Antonio

Having made it home from a week of travels to the SBC and tour of Texas (DFW area) and while still suffering from a minor case of jet-lag I felt the need to post a few reflections from the 2007 meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention while they were still fresh on my mind. These thoughts are neither in-depth, nor educated (which may mean inaccurate), but they are reflections from an observer and participant. The Messengers For the most part I was disappointed with the messengers of the SBC. They seem to be neither engaged in the serious matters of the SBC, nor caring that they are not. Many sit during the worship songs or make useless cell phone calls. I was also amazed by the number of empty seats. Where were you? The Seminary Presidents This was very encouraging. I thank God for men like R. Albert Mohler Jr., Daniel Akin, and Paige Patterson who will take a bold stand for the cause of the gospel, the high calling of the minister, and the innerancy of Scripture. They are "bold...